Yes, one of my dogs died today...It was our really old one, named Fancy. My mom took her to the vet today, and she was really sick, and huge arthritis. So we decided it was time to send her to a better place... R.I.P Fancy
2006(I think, anyway..)-2013
Okay, quick saying that there....I've kinda been making too many feels-related posts lately, haven't I? *Gets way too much feels*

Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Figment, Fictionpress/Fanfiction, and Wattpad!
With this recent ban, I've decided to move on to some different stuff(At least until I can get my account back, Miss Knows Nothing About Feels. If you don't, YOU MUST DIE! >:D) Anyway, yeah...So I've made accounts on stuff! Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy!(Okay, I've had my Fanfiction/Fictionpress account for a while, but WHATEVER.) Anyways, I'm known as SockWriting on both of those, but I don't even have any stuff up on Fictionpress. If you like silly Zelda comedy stuff, that's a thing on my Fanfiction. :P Anyways, I have Figment(And no, the name used is not my real one, it's just my pen name. :P) Hey, listen! And I have a Wattpad I'm too lazy to have Navi show you the way to, but my username's Soccerdog8. I'll probably mainly be on figgy figgy Figment!
Cya guys!
Cya guys!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Okay, so I vented my feelings earlier, and felt much better. And now I'm full of feels again. I slip up, and a certain moderator removes all traces of me. And she lied, too. She said next time there would be an email with stuff regarding my ban, but guess what? NOTHING. Nada. She has completely crushed my dreams of writing. This is what encouraged me to do such a thing. I'm even more sure now that she is corrupt and should be destroyed. I may have done some things, but she did worse. I never lied. She did. She never really seems to care about human emotions. :O She might be a robot! Okay, robot's probably a longshot, but it's possible, right? Right? Rant over.
Baby Sister!
Well, my mom's been pregnant with her for quite a bit now, and we know what we'll name her, the due date, and that she's a girl. Meet Aria! Well, you can't meet her yet.... But she will be born in January 2014, so prepare for pics! Ariiiaaaaaa! (You can see I'm getting really excited about this.) Alright, post done. :P
Friday, November 1, 2013
NaNo Begins!
And it's now that time of the year where millions of pencils hit paper, writing furiously to meet the word count goal they've set...Yes, it's NaNoWriMo. I'll mainly be on my second blog for writing stuffs throughout this month, click here to go to it! Stay awesome throughout November, everyone! Farore's....WIND!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Ramblings Return...
Hello, everyone! Sock here once again from yet another hiatus, because I KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT THIS BLOG. Yep, I remembered today that my blog is a thing, and decided to finally come back. And first of all...LOOK A PUMPKIN.
Yeah, I know, picture's pretty crappy, but I kinda screwed up. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to do it right. And here's it's template.
Yeah, Halloween is neeaaaarrr...And so is NaNo...O_O I think I'm screwed for NaNo. Anyway, yep, the ramblings have returned! Stay awesome, everyone. Farore's....WIND!
Yeah, I know, picture's pretty crappy, but I kinda screwed up. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to do it right. And here's it's template.
Yeah, Halloween is neeaaaarrr...And so is NaNo...O_O I think I'm screwed for NaNo. Anyway, yep, the ramblings have returned! Stay awesome, everyone. Farore's....WIND!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Another Hiatus(Not Surprising) + Trying to flipping figure out Wordpress stuffs so I can make this Wordpress!
Heya guys, Sock here! And, as usual, back from another hiatus, but I will try my best to keep up this time! I wiiiiilll!!! Now that I have that stuff out of the way, also, I'm trying to turn this blog into Wordpress form. Yep, RoaRW's going Wordpress! Once I finally figure out how to do so...Not exactly the most Wordpress-like stuff savvy. So it might take some time for me to figure it out. But anyway, I'll get it done eventually!
That's all for now guys, but as always, stay awesome. Farore's.....WIND!
That's all for now guys, but as always, stay awesome. Farore's.....WIND!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Thursday Blog Spotlight: Writer Girl
Heya my peoples of planet Earth, the interwebs, and beyond! Sock here, and it's time for a new weekly segment thingy called, as the title of this post says, Thursday Blog Spotlight. Pretty much, how it works, every Thursday I pick random blogs (And also reader suggestions!) and put them under my spotlight, talk about them, and then give you a "Link!" to said blog. And, this week's blog to be put under the spotlight is....Writer Girl! This blog is very,very random, with all sorts of stuff, and it's from a very random author. It's so random, I can't even describe how random it is. Yeah, you guys should sure check it out. But it's dangerous to go alone, so take Navi with you and she'll lead you to this random blog of randomness. C'mon, Navi, show them the way! So, just click the word Navi in the text that looks like a Hyperlink. :P So, yeah, that's my first Thursday Blog Spotlight. You guys can say what blogs you would like to see under my spotlight in later installments in the comments.
Okay, so thanks for reading! And as always, stay awesome! Farore's....WIND!
Okay, so thanks for reading! And as always, stay awesome! Farore's....WIND!
My FanFiction.Net!
Yep, I'm on FanFiction.Net, writing fanfic stuffs. I only started recently, and my only story is a Legend of Zelda fanfic that only really has the beginning written out. But, I will has moooore! But yeah, if you want to see my fanfic stuffs, Click this to see my page on FanFiction!
Okay, cya guys, and as always, stay awesome! Farore's....WIND!
Okay, cya guys, and as always, stay awesome! Farore's....WIND!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Yet another hiatus..
Okay, I once again forgot about this blog, but thanks to Silver wanting to make a blog, I remembered about it! So...Yeah, RoaRW is back! So stay tuned for more mayhem and randomness!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Okay, I've finally returned from my second hiatus. I had to spend a few months using the web on my 3DS, and when I got my little temporary laptop, I forgot all about this blog. So, sorry for being gone for so long, but I'm back and better then ever! So keep watching for more stuff from....The Ramblings of a Random Writer! That writer being meeee! Sock!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
My Birthday!
Okay, so I'm making a post about it 2 days late, but oh well, better late then never, right?
Okay, so I need to show you these....Birthday pictures!
My Birthday cake! And yes, Jonah is my real name.
Another view of my cake!
Okay, so this might be a bit blurry, but this is what I think is the best picture of me I had from my Birhtday
And there's the Birthday pictures! :D
Okay, so I need to show you these....Birthday pictures!
My Birthday cake! And yes, Jonah is my real name.
Another view of my cake!
Okay, so this might be a bit blurry, but this is what I think is the best picture of me I had from my Birhtday
And there's the Birthday pictures! :D
Random video game commentary quotes from me!
I admit it. I love to yell random stuff when I play video games. It's me letting out my inner Toby Turner(you know, from YouTube) or Me Myself and Pi(Also YouTube) or other people like that. So here's my top 10 things I've said while playing video games.
10. "Alright, buddies, time to blow you all up."-Me before a match in World of Tanks
9. "DIE YOU STUPID GHOST!!!!!"-Me while playing Ghostbusters:The Video Game
8. "Get a life, Stalfos."-Me when I encounter a Stalfos in The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time
7. "No, leave me alone. I'm just harmless Link, no DON'T KILL ME NOOOOOO!!!! STUPID ENEMIES!!!!"-Me when I'm getting killed in Zelda games
6. "I'm just a harmless tank that just wants to see what your base looks like, guys. Don't shoot me. DON'T SHOOT ME!"-Me when trying to capture the enemy team's base in World of Tanks
5. "Hey buddy, how ya doin'? DIEEEEE!!!!!!"-Me when attacking enemy tanks in World of Tanks
4. "I just wanna give you a hug OW! OW! Fine, if you're gonna be that way, I'll just kill all of you."-Me in World of Tanks.
3. "Hey buddy. No, stay still I wanna snipe you."-Me when trying to snipe an enemy tank in World of Tanks
2. "Hey, who shot me! No, stop it, stop it. Whoever's shooting me, stop it."-Me when someone I can't see is shooting me in World of Tanks
1. "He's a Teamkiller! DESTROY HIM."-Me when there's a Teamkiller(A player that kills teammates) in World of Tanks
Sorry about all the quotes from me when I'm playing World of Tanks, but that's what I play the most.
10. "Alright, buddies, time to blow you all up."-Me before a match in World of Tanks
9. "DIE YOU STUPID GHOST!!!!!"-Me while playing Ghostbusters:The Video Game
8. "Get a life, Stalfos."-Me when I encounter a Stalfos in The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time
7. "No, leave me alone. I'm just harmless Link, no DON'T KILL ME NOOOOOO!!!! STUPID ENEMIES!!!!"-Me when I'm getting killed in Zelda games
6. "I'm just a harmless tank that just wants to see what your base looks like, guys. Don't shoot me. DON'T SHOOT ME!"-Me when trying to capture the enemy team's base in World of Tanks
5. "Hey buddy, how ya doin'? DIEEEEE!!!!!!"-Me when attacking enemy tanks in World of Tanks
4. "I just wanna give you a hug OW! OW! Fine, if you're gonna be that way, I'll just kill all of you."-Me in World of Tanks.
3. "Hey buddy. No, stay still I wanna snipe you."-Me when trying to snipe an enemy tank in World of Tanks
2. "Hey, who shot me! No, stop it, stop it. Whoever's shooting me, stop it."-Me when someone I can't see is shooting me in World of Tanks
1. "He's a Teamkiller! DESTROY HIM."-Me when there's a Teamkiller(A player that kills teammates) in World of Tanks
Sorry about all the quotes from me when I'm playing World of Tanks, but that's what I play the most.
Man, it's been a while since I last posted on here. Well, I'm back from my hiatus, and I'm gonna be random. You probably wonder why I was gone, and it's a simple answer. LIFE. Yep, the thing known as life. It's been my birthday, and various other things to keep me from blogging. And gaming, don't forget gaming. Anyway, I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
How in the world did I get 44 views yesterday? I check my stats when I wake up, and see that I got 44 views yesterday.. O_o I never expected that many in one day....
Sunday Book Review-Warriors Series
So, I decided I wanted to add some ramblings about published books! So, Sunday Book Review was born! So, every Sunday, I review a book/book series. =) And today's is on the Warriors Series from Erin Hunter.
Okay, so the series is about cats. Not your thing? Well, either read on if you want to know more, or not. Your choice. Anyway, it's not about just any regular cats, it's about cats in the forest, all sorts of things. The forest they live in is divided into territories for the four Clans. Windclan, Riverclan(My favorite ^.^), Shadowclan, and Thunderclan. Now, there are different terms that the cats use. Like, Two-leg instead of human. Monster instead of car. Mouse-brain as an insult. Newleaf as Spring, Greenleaf as Summer, Leaf-fall as Fall, and Leaf-bare as Winter. But, it's not all just fun and games. It can get kinda violent, so I wouldn't recommend the books for the young kids. When cats die, they go join Starclan. And I hate parts when cats die, simply because it's often cats that I loved.(Why do you troll the fans so much, Erin?!) It's split into four arcs, with a 5th on the way. Each with some new cats and most of them from the previous arc. And each have a different plot to them that I won't reveal. The arcs are, in order:Original arc, The New Prophecy, The Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, and (coming soon!) Dawn of the Clans.
Overview:It can be kinda violent at times, so I wouldn't let young kids read it. But it's well-written, and if your a fan of this kind of thing, I would most definitely recommend the Warriors Series. Also, the adventure games at the end of the Omen of the Stars books are quite fun. :) 8/10.
So, that's it for now! See you next Sunday for the next review! *Teleports out with Farore's Wind*
Okay, so the series is about cats. Not your thing? Well, either read on if you want to know more, or not. Your choice. Anyway, it's not about just any regular cats, it's about cats in the forest, all sorts of things. The forest they live in is divided into territories for the four Clans. Windclan, Riverclan(My favorite ^.^), Shadowclan, and Thunderclan. Now, there are different terms that the cats use. Like, Two-leg instead of human. Monster instead of car. Mouse-brain as an insult. Newleaf as Spring, Greenleaf as Summer, Leaf-fall as Fall, and Leaf-bare as Winter. But, it's not all just fun and games. It can get kinda violent, so I wouldn't recommend the books for the young kids. When cats die, they go join Starclan. And I hate parts when cats die, simply because it's often cats that I loved.(Why do you troll the fans so much, Erin?!) It's split into four arcs, with a 5th on the way. Each with some new cats and most of them from the previous arc. And each have a different plot to them that I won't reveal. The arcs are, in order:Original arc, The New Prophecy, The Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, and (coming soon!) Dawn of the Clans.
Overview:It can be kinda violent at times, so I wouldn't let young kids read it. But it's well-written, and if your a fan of this kind of thing, I would most definitely recommend the Warriors Series. Also, the adventure games at the end of the Omen of the Stars books are quite fun. :) 8/10.
So, that's it for now! See you next Sunday for the next review! *Teleports out with Farore's Wind*
Friday, January 11, 2013
Tag! You. Are. IT!
Okay, so Emily/EZforever just tagged me, so you know what that means!
Rules and such(Because HD is watching me.....Mods are always watching...)
1. If you are tagged, answer the questions in the meme in a blog post on your blog.
2. Make sure at the beginning of your post you put a link to the blog of the person who tagged you.
3. Tag at least three people to do the same thing (you can tag more than three people if you would like).
4. Have fun!
What do you think the weirdest color is? That's a hard one....But I would have to say black. Since it's....Well, black.
What is the weirdest TV show/movie you have ever seen? Doctor Who. Kinda weird, but awesome!
What is the weirdest food you have ever tried? I once thought Jell-o was the weirdest thing ever. The texture of this one thing we tried, made me think that all over again...
What is the weirdest drink you have ever had? Diet Sunkist. It tastes just plain weird.
Who is your weirdest friend? That's a really hard one. And I mean REALLY hard.
What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen on the internet? I found that out the moment I found Cheezburger.
What is the weirdest thing your pet has ever done? Sitting like a prarie dog. 'Nuff said.
What is the weirdest book you have ever read? I would have to say books by Erin Hunter, like Warriors, because of the silly phrases. But I can't think of the weirdest...
What is the weirdest blog you follow? I don't really follow any blogs yet. :)
Who I tagged:
Rules and such(Because HD is watching me.....Mods are always watching...)
1. If you are tagged, answer the questions in the meme in a blog post on your blog.
2. Make sure at the beginning of your post you put a link to the blog of the person who tagged you.
3. Tag at least three people to do the same thing (you can tag more than three people if you would like).
4. Have fun!
What do you think the weirdest color is? That's a hard one....But I would have to say black. Since it's....Well, black.
What is the weirdest TV show/movie you have ever seen? Doctor Who. Kinda weird, but awesome!
What is the weirdest food you have ever tried? I once thought Jell-o was the weirdest thing ever. The texture of this one thing we tried, made me think that all over again...
What is the weirdest drink you have ever had? Diet Sunkist. It tastes just plain weird.
Who is your weirdest friend? That's a really hard one. And I mean REALLY hard.
What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen on the internet? I found that out the moment I found Cheezburger.
What is the weirdest thing your pet has ever done? Sitting like a prarie dog. 'Nuff said.
What is the weirdest book you have ever read? I would have to say books by Erin Hunter, like Warriors, because of the silly phrases. But I can't think of the weirdest...
What is the weirdest blog you follow? I don't really follow any blogs yet. :)
Who I tagged:
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Kinda funny character name!
So, if you know me on NaNoWriMo YWP, you probably know I'm known as Sock. Well, I'm making a book outside of NaNo, and the main character's first name is Sock. How about that for inspiration from daily life? xD
The Ramblings Begin
Hello all! It'sa me, Sock! And yes, from the title of this blog, I am a writer. Aaand these are my ramblings. :P So, yeah! And be warned, I'm a big Legend of Zelda fan, so you MIGHT see Zelda references from time to time... Gotta go for now, so.....*Uses Farore's Wind*
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