Now, during this time I've been away from the blog, the family had a little surprise. A little before Christmas, it started kind of strange. It seemed like the baby was trying to come early. But nothing really happened at all, and mom got to come home. But then, about two days later, early in the morning, the baby decided she was coming NOW. So then all this started, and now we have my premie baby sister, Aria. We like to call her Ari, though. And then, on Christmas Eve, Ari was released from the hospital and got to come home. And she's perfectly fine now, she's about....three months old, I believe, I'm not sure, I think it's three months. And she's getting bigger and stronger all the time, and a silly baby. She's Ari Sillybaby!
And in February, I turned 14! One year away from DRIVING!
And also, with this moving mayhem, I put my copy of Pokemon Y into the storage unit that we have, and I'm now regretting it a lot. I have a Zelda game with me,(The latest, in fact. Which is A Link Between Worlds, and it's AMAAAAZIIIIIING.)but I could still use a nice RPG...Which that would be Pokemon!
And lastly, it's Pi Day. That's nice. I actually had Pie on Pi Day last year. Last year was actually the year I learned Pi Day even existed. And I'm wearing a Pi Helmet(Gold Helmet, I call it a Pi Helmet since it's Item ID is 314.) in Minecraft.
The Ramblings of a Random Writer

Friday, March 14, 2014
Guess who's back!
And I'm back, and now that I look back at earlier posts, not sure what in the world got over me. Ugh, teenagerey stuff is NOT helpful. >.< Aaaaaaannnnyyyywaaayyysss, AND I'M MOVING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH Yep, I'm moving out from here, and into somewhere else about 3 hours away. Tomorrow I'm gonna be heading out to find somewhere to live out there. It's so weird that my family has to move out here. But yeeeaaahh, and of course, since it's a big city I'm probably gonna have lotsa paranoia with people breaking in, since I'm always really paranoid about that, and now I'm gonna be even more paranoid! /shot Yeah, lots of ups and downs to it. And that means less time for writing and I've gotta write aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. This is just being a really weird one. I'm acting all sorts of weird today. While I'm kinda bouncy already since after all this time I've taken on a much more optimistic personality, I'm acting REALLY bouncy. Maybe I should avoid getting my hands on any Dr. Pepper(Best soda EVVAAAAARRRR) for a bit so I don't get even MORE crazy.
This has been Sock's really weird and probably nonsensical blog post of today.
This has been Sock's really weird and probably nonsensical blog post of today.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Death of a dog
Yes, one of my dogs died today...It was our really old one, named Fancy. My mom took her to the vet today, and she was really sick, and huge arthritis. So we decided it was time to send her to a better place... R.I.P Fancy
2006(I think, anyway..)-2013
Okay, quick saying that there....I've kinda been making too many feels-related posts lately, haven't I? *Gets way too much feels*
2006(I think, anyway..)-2013
Okay, quick saying that there....I've kinda been making too many feels-related posts lately, haven't I? *Gets way too much feels*
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Figment, Fictionpress/Fanfiction, and Wattpad!
With this recent ban, I've decided to move on to some different stuff(At least until I can get my account back, Miss Knows Nothing About Feels. If you don't, YOU MUST DIE! >:D) Anyway, yeah...So I've made accounts on stuff! Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy!(Okay, I've had my Fanfiction/Fictionpress account for a while, but WHATEVER.) Anyways, I'm known as SockWriting on both of those, but I don't even have any stuff up on Fictionpress. If you like silly Zelda comedy stuff, that's a thing on my Fanfiction. :P Anyways, I have Figment(And no, the name used is not my real one, it's just my pen name. :P) Hey, listen! And I have a Wattpad I'm too lazy to have Navi show you the way to, but my username's Soccerdog8. I'll probably mainly be on figgy figgy Figment!
Cya guys!
Cya guys!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Okay, so I vented my feelings earlier, and felt much better. And now I'm full of feels again. I slip up, and a certain moderator removes all traces of me. And she lied, too. She said next time there would be an email with stuff regarding my ban, but guess what? NOTHING. Nada. She has completely crushed my dreams of writing. This is what encouraged me to do such a thing. I'm even more sure now that she is corrupt and should be destroyed. I may have done some things, but she did worse. I never lied. She did. She never really seems to care about human emotions. :O She might be a robot! Okay, robot's probably a longshot, but it's possible, right? Right? Rant over.
Baby Sister!
Well, my mom's been pregnant with her for quite a bit now, and we know what we'll name her, the due date, and that she's a girl. Meet Aria! Well, you can't meet her yet.... But she will be born in January 2014, so prepare for pics! Ariiiaaaaaa! (You can see I'm getting really excited about this.) Alright, post done. :P
Friday, November 1, 2013
NaNo Begins!
And it's now that time of the year where millions of pencils hit paper, writing furiously to meet the word count goal they've set...Yes, it's NaNoWriMo. I'll mainly be on my second blog for writing stuffs throughout this month, click here to go to it! Stay awesome throughout November, everyone! Farore's....WIND!
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